Today we finished the 2 day Pastors Conference with 128 Senior Pastors and another 200 church people in attendance. To God be the glory for what He did!! Each day as we pointed the Pastors back to the Finished work of Jesus on the cross we had powerful Altar calls with much repenting, weeping and rejoicing in the simplicity of the true and only Gospel!!This picture is a picture taken Saturday night at an outdoor crusade/radio station anniversary celebration! 50+ born again!! 2 of the saved were part of the worship team. It continues to shock and bless me how many IN THECHURCH are not saved! We must not take anyone’s salvation for granted.Please keep us in prayer…Pastor Mike Tomford, Evangelist David Smith,Dorene and I and all of our Mexican team of 15 headed up by the Gomez family. Much more teaching and preaching to go!