Dan and Dorene were called to take the message of the cross to the lost and found around the world.

The mandate from God is to reach Pastors all over the world with one message, the message of the cross. God has anointed Brother Dan as a teacher to bring a clear and simple message that points the Pastors back to the way of victory, Christ and Him crucified. The power over sin, over the devil, over the flesh, over the world, is the Blood of Jesus! Brother Dan was ordained through Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and a regular when in town on the daily Television program, “the Message of the Cross” hosted by Brother Jimmy Swaggart.
He was used of God to help distribute 10’s of thousands of the Jimmy Swaggart Expositors Study bibles in places like the Philippines, Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil, Mexico, Honduras and many other countries. Brother Dan was a past board member and Professor of the World Evangelism Bible college of the Philippines and has traveled with his wife and preached in 28 countries and 5 continents worldwide. Brother Dan does not bring a new message, but as Jeremiah said encourages Pastors to “Return to the old paths, where the good way is, and you will find REST for your souls. Many 1000’s have found that REST they once enjoyed through the preaching and teaching ministry of Brother Dan Burritt. Christ is coming back soon for a church without spot or wrinkle, WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB!
The meaning of It Is Finished
How to be saved
Ministry Updates

Important Update
The Call to The Lost “Don’t be afraid. From this day forward, I have called you to be a fisher of men.” Dan Burritt heard

Asia Trip
Greetings from Asia .. Dorene and I arrived in Manila on Friday night. The first thing we saw was an article in the paper saying

Tanzania Trip
Here is an update about Tanzania. Dear Family & friends, Dan filled you in on the Philippines & S. Africa. We had many great experiences

Mexico Trip
Wow! We are truly in the last days before Christ returns. People are SOhungry for God in Mexico! The fact is they are hungry for

Donate to Reach!
Get the new book from Bro. Dan: How to Live For God.
To get your copy we simply ask for a donation of $15 or more (PER BOOK) to cover the printing, shipping, and distribution of the Spanish version in third world countries.
Please select your Payment Method on the right side of this page and email us at INFO@ITISFINISHED.CO with your address and we will ship your book as soon as possible.
Bring the Gospel to the world!
Be a missionary, help us bringing the MESSAGE OF THE CROSS to the world with your donation, this will be sending us to preach and teach the only message that has the power for the lost and the saved, JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED.